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Man United star vows to fight for the club amidst uncertainty regarding his future

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Pogba back on Real Madrid radar(Image Credits: Getty Images)

Under-fire star Paul Pogba vows to fight for Manchester United

The relationship between Paul Pogba and Manchester United took an unfortunate turn midweek following comments by the player’s agent Mino Raiola.

It was revealed that the 27-year-old is unhappy at Old Trafford and is not keen on extending his stay at the club. Pogba’s current deal expires in 2022.

Following the Manchester derby, we have now heard directly from the horse’s mouth.

Pogba has claimed on Instagram that all is well between him and United. More so he also revealed that he will continue to fight for the club as he always has.

“I’ve always fought and will always fight for Manchester United, my team-mates and the fans.”

He refused to dwell on the future and went on to add that the club and he and are strong together and nothing will change that.

“I am 1000 percent involved! Always strong together. All has been clear between the club and myself and that will never change.”

Paul Pogba has revealed that all is well between him and Manchester United. More so he also revealed that he will continue to fight for the club as he always has.
Paul Pogba has vowed to give it his all for Manchester United (GETTY Images)

While it is heartening to hear from the player itself that his commitment to the club remains unchanged, it calls into question the antics of his agent.

There is no confirmation if Pogba is in cahoots with Raiola, but revealing his unhappiness on the eve of an important game does not come out as a show of commitment to the club.

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Pogba started yesterday’s Manchester derby and looked in fine nick. He showcased his passing repertoire and looked like a person with a point to prove.

What the future holds for him and the club remains to be seen.