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Journalist makes sensational claim that Jose Mourinho planned Man United sack

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Journalist makes sensational claim that Jose Mourinho planned Man United sack

Richard Keys says Jose Mourino pre-planned Man United exit

Richard Keys’ claim about Jose Mourinho and his alleged intention to see himself sacked by Manchester United in 2018 has sparked intrigue and speculation within the football community. Mourinho’s tenure at Old Trafford remained marked by highs and lows, ultimately culminating in his dismissal following a string of disappointing results.

Keys’ assertion that Mourinho deliberately left Paul Pogba out of three consecutive games as part of a plan to engineer his own sacking raises questions about the motivations and tactics employed by the Portuguese manager during his time at United. If true, it would suggest a calculated strategy aimed at hastening his departure from the club.

Mourinho’s decision to omit Pogba from the starting lineup for key matches, including the defeat to Liverpool, undoubtedly raised eyebrows among fans and pundits alike. Pogba, United’s club-record signing at the time, was a polarizing figure whose relationship with Mourinho often saw itself scrutinized. However, whether Mourinho intentionally left out Pogba with the aim of being sacked remains speculative and unverified.

Jose Mourinho at Manchester United.
Jose Mourinho at Manchester United.

Nevertheless, here is what Keys had to note in his blog about Mourinho‘s time at United:

‘He once told me he knew he’d be sacked at United for leaving Pogba out of three consecutive games – at a time when the Frenchman’s stock was at its highest. All planned,’

‘And it worked perfectly. He wanted the sack. He got it.’

Mere speculation or fact?

The statistics provided offer insight into Mourinho’s overall performance during his tenure at United. With 84 wins, 31 draws, and 29 losses in 144 matches, Mourinho maintained a respectable record, albeit one that fell short of the club’s lofty expectations. The average PPM of 1.97 reflects a solid but not exceptional performance over the course of his tenure.

While Mourinho’s departure from United remained ultimately inevitable given the team’s underwhelming results and reported tensions within the squad, the suggestion that he actively sought his own dismissal adds a new dimension to the narrative surrounding his tenure. If Mourinho did indeed orchestrate his departure, it would raise questions about his professionalism and commitment to the club’s long-term success.

However, it is essential to approach Keys’ claim with caution, as it represents only one perspective on a complex and multifaceted issue. Without corroborating evidence or confirmation from Mourinho himself, it remains speculative and subject to interpretation. Whatever the scenario may be, it will not change the fact that Jose is the last United manager to win a European trophy during his time at the club.

Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho.
Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho.

Regardless of the validity of Keys’ claim, Mourinho’s time at United left a lasting impression on the club and its supporters. His departure paved the way for a new era under different managerial leadership, highlighting the transient nature of football management and the ever-evolving dynamics within top-tier clubs.

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While Mourinho’s departure was inevitable due to a combination of factors, including on-field performance and off-field dynamics, the suggestion that he actively pursued his dismissal raises questions about his tactics and motivations. Ultimately, Mourinho’s legacy at United is a complex and nuanced one, shaped by both his successes and controversies during his time in charge.