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Man United overturn bans handed out to news agencies amidst anti-Glazer stir

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Manchester United fans plan Old Trafford protest against the Glazer family before Norwich clash.

Manchester United reverse bans handed out to two news agencies

According to the Mirror, Manchester United have overturned the decision to ban two news agencies from sending photographers to Old Trafford.

Both the Thomson Reuters and Agence France Presse (AFP) were barred following the anti- Glazer protest outside Old Trafford that led to the Liverpool game being postponed.

The photographers were banned after the club adjudged that the they should not have followed fans onto the Old Trafford turf without right credentials. (h/t Mirror)

Manchester United have overturned the decision to ban two news agencies from sending photographers to Old Trafford
United fans came out in force against the Glazers ahead of the Liverpool clash

United decided to not ban the individual photographers, but instead both agencies from sending any photographer to cover matches at Old Trafford. This would have seen them miss out on our nfinal home game of the season against Fulham. (h/t Mirror)

The News Media Coalition (NMC) had earlier come to the defence of the phorographers claiming they were just doing their job. We personally agree as the protests held a wider meaning to a lot of fans rather than being an act of wanton violence.

The News Media Coalition (NMC) came to the defence of the photographers
The News Media Coalition (NMC) came to the defence of the photographers

Common sense!

United have since declared that they had made a mistake in their handling of the incident. Photographers from both agencies will now be able to take their place at Old Trafford on Tuesday night. (h/t Mirror)

The NMC has since released a statement welcoming United’s change of heart. Perhaps a jab, they went on to refer to it as the restoration of common sense.

“This is a good outcome for the two news agencies, the wider news sector, fans, media freedom and common sense.”

The incident does not paint United in good light

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It is good to see that the club has come back to it’s senses and rectified their decision. The ban should not have been made in the first place to begin with and Untied are doing themselves no favours by attempting to stifle free opinion.

If the club is serious about retaining the fans’ faith, maybe they can focus on doing their jobs right than shutting up people who disagree with them.