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Former Manchester United Gaffer’s Book A Must Read!

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Due to the launch of his new book, Sir Alex Ferguson became the talk of Twitter yesterday, with the former Manchester United manager’s name difficult to avoid on the social network.

After Red Devils’ 5-5 draw at West Brom in May, Ferguson famously brought to an end his reign of over 26-and-a-half years at the Old Trafford helm.  The release of his second autobiography, simply titled My Autobiography, has drew a massive amount of attention worldwide, as the 71-year-old can now freely comment on his entire career without having to worry about undermining his own position as United chief.  Whilst Ferguson’s initial autobiography from 1999 was able to focus on the club’s famous treble-winning season, his first book post-retirement was undoubtedly going to be a best-seller.

With no shortage of trophies, the success achieved by the legendary United manager alone would be enough to make his memoirs a good read.  However, it is the stories of various altercations with other major figures within the game that truly illustrate Ferguson’s unmatched authority in modern football.  During his time at Old Trafford, the Scotsman had a constant aura of invincibility surrounding him and his team.  The fact that they were rarely beaten to the Premier League title, winning 13 out of 21 since the top flight was revamped in 1992, is testament to just how untouchable United were.

Sir Alex Ferguson may be idolised by many, but he is respected by more.  The notes of reality television stars in their mid-30s might make light reading, but they can have nothing on the experiences of a man who became a revered master in his field.

If knowledge is power, then Ferguson’s latest book could be one of the most valuable ever written.

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