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FA Should Punish Suarez As Divers Continue To Make A Joke Of The Game

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As the dust settles on another weekend of Premier League action, it seems the most talked about incident was the embarrassing and shameful dive that Liverpool’s Luis Suarez performed to try and win his side a penalty kick against Stoke City at Anfield.

London 2012 Bronze medallist Tom Daley would have been proud of the Uruguay international’s technique if he had of been breaking the water surface of an Olympic pool rather than hitting the grass surface at the Kop End of the stadium.

Diving has been one of the main talking points in the English game recently, the influx of foreign footballers have contributed to it largely as it seems to be a more common in European football, its worrying because it seems that there is now a generation of British based players who will simulate contact, or go down far too easily from minimal contact.

There are 3 players that will spring to most football supporters minds when you mention the word diving, Suarez, Gareth Bale and Ashley Young, they have all been guilty of simulation at some stage over the last few Premier League seasons, they should hang their heads in shame because diving is trying to gain an advantage through cheating, they are trying to con the referee.

Suarez is the main culprit when it comes to diving, and it is now a case of the boy who cried wolf because his reputation as a diving cheat is going before him, this was evident recently when Liverpool played Manchester United and Suarez should have been awarded a penalty after he was brought down in the area by Jonny Evans, it was a clear penalty but the referee who was maybe a little unsure about the call decided to wave play on after perhaps taking in to consideration the player who had gone down under the challenge.

What Suarez did at Anfield against Stoke was hilarious, frustrating and annoying, the Football Association should have stepped in by now and charged Suarez  for his pathetic actions, this is a player who has previous when it comes to diving, they should make an example of him if they are serious about helping to eradicate it from our game.

Stoke manager Tony Pulis was angered by the incident involving Suarez saying:

“Retrospective decisions are made on a Monday and Luis Suarez should be punished. The one in the penalty box was an embarrassment and how he wasn’t booked I don’t know”.

The FA have come under justifiable criticism recently after their overall handling, verdict and the punishment they handed John Terry for racially abusing Anton Ferdinand, if they wanted to assert their authority and claim back a minute piece of respect from football supporters and people within the game then they should have come down on Suarez like a ton of bricks and handed him a ban and a hefty fine.

The Uruguayan was not carded by match official Lee Mason for the incident so the FA could and should have stepped in by now to condemn his actions and prove to English football that they are serious about combating cheating in the game.

By Kevin Ashford @KevinAshford7

14 thoughts on “FA Should Punish Suarez As Divers Continue To Make A Joke Of The Game”

  1. HAHAHA How Hypocritical of Utd to be calling for ANYONE to be banned for diving.

    That's cheered me up no end that pal – thanks you muppet!

  2. They couldn't come down on Suarez like a ton of bricks because of Huth's stamp, RVP elbow, Bale's dive and Tiote's stamp!

  3. United have had some divers to be fair, but none as bad as right-wing ratboy. Even if you ignore his biting, arm-waving, handballing, racist behaviour, he stills stands out as he dives 2 or 3 times a game and has done ever since he has been in England.

    Let me guess bin-dippers, you blame it on Fergie/mufc? You always do, nothing is ever your fault.

  4. Off F*ck off, seriously you have more divers…. Nani,young,welbeck,valencia,Rooney, and one ex Ronaldo…. So shut up clown!

  5. When Ashley Young did his thing twice – did you see any Liverpool fan sites post up a 3 screen deep article about him? Youve got a great club that you support, why not stick to supporting it? What Suarez did was despicable, but so did Gareth bale – yet its strange you dont mention that isnt it. Not that you have an Agenda or anything. Im sure the only thing that really defines you is that you support a great and succesful football club. Sad, but good luck.

  6. @carl, if you see him play he twists and turns a lot so obviously he goner go down you're not a footballer so you wouldn't know keyboard warrior!!!!! Even John Barnes said.

  7. Unreal. Ashley Young does it regularly. Those dives won you points that nearly won you the league which would've been a travesty of the highest order.

  8. Diving has been around for over 20 years, my earliest memories are from World Cup 90 with Klinsmann and others diving all over the place. Why all of a sudden are we talking about it as if it is a new phenonenon? The FA (and FIFA) should have cracked down on it 20 years ago. It's too late now, football is a disguisting sport full of cheats getting paid astronimical wages.

  9. I seriously fail to see how anything discussed has driven you to the conclusion that Suarez is right-wing? I'm pretty sure he'd be a Labour supporter

  10. english pos get a fucking life your refs they bet on games and it shows it on luis when he plays, and whats a fifa member talking out of place about diving you facking goof.

  11. Someone please explain to me how diving is worse than a cynical shirt tug,or a deliberate hand ball. Cheating for an advantage. Its a yellow card, end of. Personally I think that career ending challenges and stamping on players intentionally is FAR more of an epidemic in the English game. Maybe if Suarez started stamping on players or pulling shirts, the FA would look into it?

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