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‘Being Liverpool’ Proves The Glory Days Of Liverpool Are Gone

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The accidental comedy that is ‘Being Liverpool’ brings us insight into the current state of affairs at what was once the greatest Club in Europe, narrated in the hushed tones of reverence that Clive Owen brings to the show.

The humour is relentless, from the Porsche Panamera that Liverpool give to their new manager, the fabled Reading manager, who has resurrected his career with a short spell at Swansea, through to the gatemen at the Stadium who ‘know all the scally’s’.

It’s a study in sociology with David Brent slogans a plenty.

First Brendan Rodgers takes us to his home, a house that Hollywood would be proud of, a swimming pool inside a spacious modern residence fit for a King. With a black and white image of his own face in the background Rodgers introduces his family from the kitchen in which the fridge is larger than most people’s bedroom.

Clearly the King of his own castle he delivers the message to his subjects that his teams ‘play with style……and steel’ and we learn that to ‘before you achieve, you have to believe’, ‘you educate players, you train dogs’. It’s the stuff of legend and when he says ‘my biggest mentor is myself’ you realize you just might be in the presence of pure genius, I did say might be!

The documentary was clearly crafted to publicize the American ownership, and position Liverpool as a commodity in the US market, as the scenes at Fenway Park proved. The 2 teams owned by FSG together with TV cameras present, was like a topless celebrity on a Caribbean beach being caught on camera and published in Hello magazine just as their waning celebrity status needed a boost from images of their latest diet results. How lucky is that? How gullible are we?

Luckily reality, meaning the level of playing performance from the featured team brings some semblance of reality to this reality show as they continue to lose, proving that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Featured stars like Charlie Adams and Andy Carroll show strongly only to depart before the show aired, while Fabio Borini (4 clubs in one season) and Joe Allen (the debate over his number was pure comedy gold) flit into the picture like footballing gods.

Jay Spearing drives us to his Wirral home, by pure luck passing his Dad who works on the Mersey Tunnel on a lovely day with his girlfriend and child (I’m sure nobody noticed the Liverpool irony of that arrangement) sit with his dog in their back garden on Do-it-all furniture. Contrast with Rodgers Palace and the hierarchy is as complete as the kick about at Lucas Leiva’s place prior to their multi-lingual monopoly game.

Ian Ayre just had to ride his Harley down the Dock Road to relax after a tough transfer window in which the show forgot to mention that they sold all their strikers except Luis Suarez, but luckily he was their best signing with an extended contract signed on TV.

With fans standing on rubbish bins (oh stop it with the ironic analogies), and Rodgers whistling at his students (oh no he does train them like dogs), thru to Dave Kirkby recounting days gone by with alcohol in hand, like a drunk remembering days of glory. The drama descending into farce and then comedy, the new version of The Office is now Being Liverpool.

I loved the scene where Jonjo Shelvey goes to see some kids on a rainy day, leaving them standing in the rain while a man holds an umbrella over his bald head. He stands above them by all measures, height, fame and money yet speaks like a kid off the streets in London, failing to absorb the words of Rodgers to ‘stay on your feet’ and getting sent off in their Cup Final as Rodgers era at Anfield means United have more points there this season than they do.

The documentary is compelling but not for its fly on the wall scenes like the lack of sound when they lose their opening game to West Brom 3-0, or the silent coach ride there and back, the torture expressed by Pepe Reina of having to sleep in luxury hotels instead of his own bed or the emotional history of Jamie Carragher. No, it’s the comedy of the narration, like a speech at a funeral, Clive Owen expresses the continued failure of the 70’s success like describing the career of Adam Ant. It’s over and no matter how much you hope it’s not coming back.

Being Liverpool might have seemed a good idea to John Henry when they agreed to make it, but frankly it just proves that the glory days have long gone but the humour of the people of Liverpool, who work for Liverpool still remains.

Football is just a game, and somehow the people in it have been elevated by economics to giants in society, but Being Liverpool shows us the reality that people like Spearing are just like us, they own dogs that look like them and they work for people like Rodgers who have never done it themselves but think that they know what it takes!

It’s all about money now, the Porsche and the pool can’t hide the fact that the Ford Mondeo that is the team can’t win the premiership race in the foreseeable future. This show will go down in history alongside Boys from the Blackstuff as a social commentary of its time, and for that it really is good for a laugh but not much else.

By Steve Burrows CBE @ifollowsteve

19 thoughts on “‘Being Liverpool’ Proves The Glory Days Of Liverpool Are Gone”

  1. Rumour has it FOX are in discussions to bring out a similar program about the Manky Chester Hoofers, they are going to call it – Being: Obsessed with Liverpool.

    You really are creepy freaks, but if i lived in that vile cess pitt of Manky Chester then i'd be going on about Liverpool all the time, to take my mind off manky chester, what a Grade A sh*thole.

  2. United are going to be making one along with many other premier teams. Fergie will of course have to be subtitled so the English speaking nations of the world can understand the old trout.

  3. Glad you are watching boosting those viewing figures so we can make more money when it's sold to other countries!

  4. What a s**** article, you mancs are obsessed with us there is no doubt in my mind. We will be back sooner than you think my skinny, spotty, greasy headed, bag head manc friend, and you all know it and that is why your mob are always talking about us. We are a work in progress now and admittedly it is going to take a few seasons to work but we have the right man in charge and the kids are looking good with a few good acquisitions along the way it will come. So jog on back to that shite hole you come from and remember 'always in our shadow' YNWA JFT96

  5. United fan watching “being Liverpool” sad much? Get a life we need abit of a tinker….. We dominated you (with a thin squad yet finished imagine when Rodgers finishes his project) then we will be back:) now go away and keep thinking about Liverpool bye bye 🙂

  6. Sounds like envy really!

    You see if it was a Manchester United documentary lets say 'being Jealous' There's no way id watch it or speak about it. I actually think you all like it and will be watching the next episode…Not long now!

  7. HAHAHAHA!! me thinks ManUre might be troubled by the little green monster, to be fair i was sure what to make of the show, i didnt think it bought much insight, but NOW I know its worth, if only for pissing off the residents of surrey LMFAO!! but dont be mad, i mean who the hell wants to see Fergie stinking of Scotch, sitting the Da silva twins on his lap giving his best Jimmy Saville impersonation?

  8. Oh the irony of it all.

    Loads of dippers frothing at the mouth on a Man United forum,claiming that we're all obsessed with them and their crappy little team…comedy gold indeed.

  9. @andy, be quiet, he writes it about Liverpool, I called it obssessed…. Why is he watching it? And crappy team? We out classed you on the day with a not complete them watch out lad…. 😉 imagine when finished you nugget!

  10. If Liverpool fans think their owners made a show called Being Liverpool just for them then they are seriously misguided. It's clearly aimed at the US market to sell the Club in America and if the same supporters believe viewing figures are linked to some sort of income from the show then delusion comes to mind.

    The irony of them reading a Man Utd blog site and writing comments is just too funny.

    These comments also contain foul language that simply reinforces the Scouser stereotype and that's sad to observe.

    Finally,the league table tells its own story. It's October and 2 homes wins in 2012 show the level of decline that Liverpool have experienced. Gerrard admits he will never win the Premier league, and Rodgers is realistic about where the Club presently sits. Some challenge from down the East Lancs Road would be nice but its far from likely with this squad. No matter how they played against us they got no points, and points are what matters come the end of the season.

  11. Agree with many of your comments, the majority of the show is cringe-worthy. The only surprises are that you forgot to mention BR's wife is a minger (!!!!???), and why would a Manc want to sit through an hour of LFC Tv anyway. I only ever watch United when they play us…………..

  12. united fan here but enough with the ranting about footballers earning a lot and spending their lifestyle in luxury. you can apply the same thing to rockstars, golfers, CEOs etc. we would have done the same if we could get above our working class/middle class life.

    the real irony is that we are the ones who pay footballers that allows them to live in such luxury. our demand for football created the commercial avenues that sponsored their lifestyle to begin with.

  13. Actually it's not us who pay the inflated wages, its TV, and its rich benefactors or sponsorship.

    Do the maths, ticket sales won't support the players wages and the crowd are just a sound effect for TV now. In the US they won't even show the game locally unless the Stadium is full.

    Teams are going bus because of wages, the Fair Play ruling is designed to stop wages craziness but will it ?

    At Liverpool and Man Utd we now love players who came thru the system because its so easy to buy success, like down the road at Citeh.

    The Liverpool fans reading this like Sterling because he is good and a product of Rafa's academy. We love Welbeck because he is one of us. That's what we want to see more of, but instant success drives us to the transfer market.

  14. Good points but it is still the fans that maintain the fire for all those commercial ventures be it the ticket pricing, merchandising etc. the target market is the people watching and paying real money for the 'brand'. why would a business invest in a brand if nobody buys the product? why are gate attendances so important in the lower leagues?

    treat soccer like any business brand. why do nike or adidas spend so much money on advertising? and who are they advertising too? same principle with football but football has more social responsibility in terms of fan loyalty and 'communal' value. i would drop the 'rich footballers' lifestyle diatribe because united players are just as guilty being filthy rich, if not richer then pool players. i recalled watching a league match back in 1993 where the commentator laments about the money in football using almost the same words that people are using now in 2012..

    that's why i find this article infuriating. enough with these pretend 'working class' facade. the league has moved on.

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