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Could Van Persie Really Sign For United?

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So the worst kept secret in current football transfer speculation has finally come to boiling point as Arsenal captain Robin van Persie released an official statement on his personal website confirming that he will not be signing a new contract with Arsenal.

The players decision leaves Arsenal in a weak position as they are now not in a strong bargaining position when it comes to clubs approaching them with an offer for the player, they could dig their heels in and keep the Dutchman but would then risk losing him for free next summer, surly it makes financial sense to sell him immediately and move on? 

So with one of the hottest strikers now putting himself firmly in the shop window, who will be interested in taking van Persie? Stupid question really, who wouldn’t want him?

Following a sensational season last year which seen van Persie claim the two big individual honours, he has now stated his desire to win trophies and feels that Arsenal are not the club to help him fulfil his ambition at the age of 29.

Over the years following knock backs by some superstar names, Manchester United supporters take any transfer speculation as exactly what it is, speculation.

As I ride me flying Unicorn whilst eating my way through the Candy-floss clouds please allow me to dream for one minute, van Persie in a United shirt next season? Please don’t tut or groan, why not?

Granted, I can hear the argument against this saying we need to strengthen in other areas like central midfield and left back, but players like van Persie do not come along very often, and if United can convince the Dutchman that Old Trafford is the place for him to win silverware, then they could probably pick him up for around £15million as Arsenal will not be able to command a fee for him.

Sir Alex will surly be an admirer of a player of the calibre of van Persie, and with Michael Owen released, Dimitar Berbatov’s future still uncertain, Javier Hernandez having a disappointing second season with the club, it leaves Wayne Rooney who is the first name on the team sheet and Danny Welbeck who United cannot put too much pressure on at his age as the clubs recognised strikers.

Rooney and van Persie would have probably been the most common fantasy football strike force last year, pairing the two up at Manchester United could be truly devastating for teams playing against them, don’t totally dismiss the idea that the Dutchman could actually see Old Trafford as the place for him to end his career.

Obviously as I step off my flying unicorn with a belly full of candy-floss, the reality soon dawns on me that them spoilt kids in the blue neighbourhood will also be ready to declare an interest in Van Persie and will be able to offer him riches beyond his wildest dreams to secure his services, throw into the mix the fact Real Madrid have also been mentioned as a possible destination and it seems that I was happier when sat on my unicorn thinking about the Dutchman in the red of Manchester United.

Arsenal and van Persie both have big decisions to make in the next few weeks, I fully expect United’s name to be mentioned along side that of the blue side of Manchester and Real Madrid’s, I just hope that if Sir Alex does want him, he can convince van Persie that Old Trafford is the place to be for football reasons as we will not be able to compete financially in a transfer market that Manchester City and Chelsea dominate and boss.

By Kevin Ashford @KevinAshford7

1 thought on “Could Van Persie Really Sign For United?”

  1. Unicorns aside ( and that horn might be uncomfortable) Van Persie is at the end of a career in which typically he plays only 20 odd games a season. With glass knees, his age, his price and salary it's not likely debt laden United can afford to throw £20+m on one man while relegating Welbeck ( contract stalled) who could leave cheaply if he chooses.
    Van Persie is also not deadly, he needs lots of chances and is like Andy Cole. Is Rooney our Dwight Yorke ?
    I'd prefer the money buys a left back and De Rossi or Dembele or even Joe Allen.
    Short term marquee signings are not what we want from our limited cash, remember United announced to Wall St that their transfer budget was £25m a season and is now up to £40m. Oh how the blue boys must have laughed at that news !

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