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Welbeck Could Become United’s Drogba

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Danny Welbeck is a future Manchester United star. He is 21 years old and is one to look out for. Here, we look at Danny and see if he can become our very own Didier Drogba.

Drogba, a legend at Chelsea FC due to his ability to score in every important game, to carry the team on his broad shoulders and to work his socks off for the team’s sake. Danny, like Didier in his heyday, is quick.  His pace is his biggest allied strength. He is tall and needs to build his muscles so that he becomes a stocky target man who can brush of opponents better.

Danny is an intelligent striker. He links up very well with Wayne Rooney and is smart in his movements. The only place where he is lacking is in his finishing. He can be rather wasteful and so needs to learn fast that he won’t get 6-7 chances every game to score goals. Drogba scores off the only chance he gets. Examples of this were his goal against Liverpool a few years ago when Chelsea won 1-0 and against Bayern Munich in the Champions League final.

Danny, like Didier, can hold the ball well. That is a good asset to have. This way, he can bring others like Nani, Antonio Valencia, Ashley Young and Rooney into the play. Defenders won’t be able to take the ball off of him and so would have to think of alternate ways to stop him and subsequently the others from scoring.

Danny has pace, strength, intelligence. He just needs to build up his body so that he can get the requisite strength to be a full on target man for club and country. If he can work hard on his game, he, in the next two seasons may well be the best English striker of his generation. Big words yes but definitively possible!

By Yashasvee Prasad

1 thought on “Welbeck Could Become United’s Drogba”

  1. Oh please. Wellbeck is yet another in the long line of second rate strikers the club has brought through in the vain hope of finding someone, anyone, who can find a way to play up front with the team's most over-hyped and useless player, Wayne Rooney. The spot playing opposite Rooney has been a striker's graveyard for a decade or so at Everton, United, and for England, because the guy is simply incapable of linking up well with anyone on a consistent basis. It's thanks to this chronic inability that United's most gifted player, Berbatov, was consigned to the wilderness, because in Fergie's eyes Rooney is the sun and the sky and the moon to him, the bastard child who can do no wrong, and no amount of useless play will dislodge the guy from the side, even when others get chopped because of Fergie's claims that players only get selected on form.

    As for Wellbeck, if the guy had even of a smidgen of Drogba's talent he'd be the natural selection to play up front on his own in the big games, where Fergie opts to play three men in the engine room to make up for the lack of talent there. Drogba has the pace, strength and physical presence that Rooney entirely lacks in the role and which leaves him looking like such a passenger in the major games. Drogba also has the technique and sheer skill to beat defenders with the ball at his feet, wheras Rooney is so inept one-on-one that he looks embarrassing on the few occasions he tries. That also leads to one of the ironies of Rooney's play, as the minute a defender ever remotely approaches him near goal Rooney hurriedly passes the ball laterally or backwards, knowing he can't do anything with it against a solitary defender, unlike a Nani or a Young or a Berbatov. This concession to his limited abilities, of looking to others to make the breakthrough, is praised up as an indication of his ability to control games and set up the attack! Only at United! Even more laughable is how frequently he blows possession when he tries to make up for his inability to dribble past defenders by demonstrating how poor his passing ability and general field vision are – he and Giggs would be neck and neck to determine who is the greatest wastrel of possession in the side, especially near goal.

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