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Looking At Our Premier League Rivals (Part 4/4)

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As another Premier League season draws ever so closer and with our title rivals improving their squad, the excitement now is really setting in amongst not just United fans but fans of the beautiful game in general.

Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea and Arsenal all seem destined to dominate the Top 4 again this season. However there are loudening murmurs coming from Anfield that Liverpool may yet sneak in after their rebuilding which has been made since Kenny Dalglish’s return.

Just like United, City and Liverpool have both spent big this off-season and the expectations really are high for them. But despite that, no United fan should be fearful as we begin the defence of our crown.

After assessing Chelsea, City and Arsenal earlier on today – in articles which you can read here,  here and here next up I take a look at the team who finished 6th last season, who many pundits and fans think will be much stronger this season.


Although I don’t expect them to challenge yet it would be only fair to give a brief  mention to our fierce rivals Liverpool.  Reinvigorated under their legendary former player and manager Kenny Daglish they have spent around £75million on English talent in the last 8 months and many suggest Liverpool could be up there next season.

I see the optimism from their fans but I cannot see them challenging this season. The aim right now for King Kenny should be assuring a top 4 status for the so called ‘Sleeping Giant’ and bring back Champions League football to Anfield.  But time and time again Steven Gerrard will overhype Liverpool’s chances and the phrase ‘ This Is Our Year’ will keep popping up.

Despite Liverpool having a new-look to their team with Jordan Henderson, Stewart Downing and Charlie Adam all signed up and a full season from Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll to come, they do have a chance of getting 4th, which after last season would be a major improvement.


As for us, I cannot see Manchester United being in a more commanding position to retain the Premier League crown. Yes the loss of experienced players in Edwin Van der Sar, Gary Neville, Paul Scholes, Wes Brown and John O’Shea will have hurt us.

But with Spanish wonder-keeper David De Gea, Blackburn’s defensive rock Phil Jones and the crafty English winger Ashley Young brought United have brought well this summer. It’s worth remembering that the Da Silva twins are getting better and betterr so it’s actually excitiing to look on as a new dawn begins at Old Trafford.

There is a mixture of youth and experience in United’s squad which will prove vital come the business end of the season. United are strong in every department (bar central midfield) of the park and the strength in depth is by far the best in the league is a reason for confidence and assurance.

David Gill has suggested one more signing and if it is indeed the Dutch dynamo we all know then we have every reason to go into the upcoming season full of confidence. Even if we do not bring in anyone else into the team, it’s looking pretty good that title no.20 will be ariving at Old Trafford sometime around May.

By @DHick92

2 thoughts on “Looking At Our Premier League Rivals (Part 4/4)”

  1. Thanks for pointing that out, after watching enough of him in the Copa America recently I should have known that myself! thanks.

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