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Lindegaard Ready To Challenge

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Anders Lindegaard is aiming to challenge David de Gea to be Manchester United’s first choice goalkeeper over the coming season. 

The Denmark stopper who joined United in the winter from Norwegian side Aalesunds to provide cover for Edwin Van der Sar, told United’s official website that with the Dutchman now gone, now is ready  to fight for a first team place:

For me, it’s about being number one. That is what it’s all about – playing. I enjoy competing and, so far, I feel very good,” said the 27-year-old shot-stopper.

“There is big competition in all the spots but, so far, I’m very satisfied with my own performances. I think I’ve played very well so I believe in my chance.’

‘If I didn’t believe in my chance, how could I expect other people to? I am very proud of representing Manchester United. It’s the biggest dream in my career come true.”

It’s certainly ‘fighting-talk’ from Lindegaard and he clearly comes across as the kind of person who wants to play for the club and who will be hungry to impress on every opportunity that he gets for the club.

Regardless of whether or not he can realistically challenge de Gea to be our number 1 goalie on a regular basis, it’s good to see that he is confident in his ability and of course now it will be up to him to continue developing.

Of course though it can be frustrating particularly for a goalkeeper to not be playing regularly especially when a club has a steady and sound goalkeeper. Everyone at United clearly wants de Gea to do well and grow into the kind of player that his potential suggests he can be.

We have seen in the past that sometimes being a back-up at our club can be frustrating for goalkeepers and last season Tomasz Kuszczak certainly spoke out several times about his disappointment of not getting more opportunities despite Van der Sar’s great form for us.

Whether or not Lindegaard voices a similar view next season no-one at this stage can know, but if he is to challenge de Gea, he will have to make sure he looks solid in goal which Kuszczak failed to do on more than several occasions in the last two seasons.

Do I think Lindegaard can be our No.1 keeper on a long-term basis? In all honesty no. Can he though be a good back-up for de Gea? Without a shadow of a doubt yes. 

One thing that is for sure is that both of our new goalkeepers will certainly face alot of pressure next season and it could be argued that whoever deals with this best will play more than the other.

By @ADennehey87

1 thought on “Lindegaard Ready To Challenge”

  1. i like lindegaard, and will be happy with either lad in Goal. Its possible that until De gea overcomes his lingual difficulties, Lindegaard may have the upper hand. I thought Lindegaard was solid against MLS all-stars so i'll leave it up to SAF.

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