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Erik ten Hag names Manchester United star who inspired his teammates to secure Liverpool win despite his own misses

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Manchester United star served as inspiration to his team against Liverpool

ManUnited star served as inspiration to his team against Liverpool

Manchester United star, Marcus Rashford scored a goal in extra time against Liverpool last night. He was missing for most of the night however, he made his shot count when it mattered most. The 26-year-old struck in the 115th minute to make it 3-3 for the Red Devils.

A lot of people were ripping into the Manchester-born star even before the game was over. He missed a couple of golden opportunities, but his determination was the point of difference according to Erik ten Hag.

While speaking to BBC after the game, the Dutchman said that Rashford served as an inspiration for his team. Let’s have a look at what Ten Hag had to say about his performance.

“Rashford had his moments, I thought he was very good. Today he misses but he is always there which is good. It inspired the rest of the team to keep going. He gave the example to keep going and believe.”

Rashford’s example was clearly a good one as Manchester United seemed to be going strong even during the second period of extra time. The English winger was visibly cramping up during the closing minutes but kept it going for his team.

Ten Hag also added that the team showed great resilience and determination to beat Liverpool who were the clear favorites to run away with the game. Manchester United’s mental has always been a weak point for the team. However, last night they overcame their mental struggles and put up a good fight.

Marcus Rashford might've scored a crucial goal, but his finishing still leaves a lot to be desired.
Marcus Rashford might’ve scored a crucial goal, but his finishing still leaves a lot to be desired.

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