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Man United legend vows to stop supporting the club if they rename club stadium

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Eric Cantona is a legend at Manchester United.

Eric Cantona vows to stop supporting Man United if they do what Arsenal have done

Manchester United legend Eric Cantona has had a cult status for not backing down from voicing his opinions in public and recently, the club legend while speaking to The Athletic (h/t Caught Offside) criticised London clubs Arsenal and West Ham for renaming their stadium in line with the club sponsors.

“We were speaking about my favourite football stadiums earlier but now all the stadiums are called Emirates or Allianz.

These stadiums lost the soul and history of the club, like Arsenal and West Ham.”

Cantona believes that due to renaming the stadium, the clubs have lost their souls and it is tough for fans to relate to them.

He also adds that if his former club Manchester United end up following the same path, he would stop supporting the club.

“Can you imagine Old Trafford becomes a new stadium called by a brand? If one day they do that, I am sorry but I am not a fan of United anymore. “

Eric Cantona gives his say on clubs renaming their stadium according to sponsors
Eric Cantona gives his say on clubs renaming their stadium according to sponsors

Eric Cantona is regarded as one of the greats to ever don the Manchester United jersey and his impact on the club is still remembered fondly by many.

Coming from rivals Leeds United in a £1.6million deal in 1992, his transfer is seen as one of the shrewdest transfers to date if the transfer fee and the player’s impact on the team are taken into consideration.

Cantona spent five years at the club in which he made 181 appearances and scored 81 goals and contributed to 62 assists while winning four Premier League titles.

He certainly made a good United team into one of the best in the world and even after his retirement from football, he has always voiced his admiration and respect for his former club.

Eric Cantona is seen by many as a Manchester United legend
Eric Cantona is seen by many as a Manchester United legend

Therefore, during times of crisis and inconsistency, something which has been present with the team for the past few seasons, Cantona has never been the one to back away from raising his opinion.

At the time of transition, we need the support of all the individuals who were part of the culture that created the legacy of Manchester United and give importance to their concerns for the club. There are many ways in which you can support your team. From casual attending the games, through defending your team online, to testing your strengths in and sport betting and putting a wager on your team’s victory from time to time.

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Old Trafford has been our fortress for many years and has an identity attached to the football club which associates its history with the stadium.

When one says Manchester United, Old Trafford immediately rings a bell. Hopefully we do not follow the path adopted by other clubs and keep our history and legacy intact.