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Was Manchester UTD Lucky to Get Ronaldo?

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Cristiano Ronaldo in action for Manchester United. (@ManUtd/Twitter)

The history of football is full of burning topics. This article will tackle whether it was pure luck that led Cristiano Ronaldo to play for Manchester United and how lucky Manchester United was to get such an exquisite player.

Indeed, Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the football players who scored an incredible number of goals throughout his football career. What else is that that makes us consider him a “gem” among football players and talk about how Manchester United is lucky to have him?

Is he just good at scoring goals, or are there more qualities Cristiano Ronaldo can bring to the table that made us open up this topic of “luck” for Machester United to have such a player? And does luck decide on many situations? 

For example, if you visit the to find your most suitable casino and gamble, what decides how great a winning you will have? Your skills as an experienced gambler or luck? And how come that one of the most well-paid football players, Ronaldo, ended up in Manchester United? Let’s see to what extent luck impacted this instance and whether luck is the main decision-maker in crucial life events.  

How lucky was Manchester UTD to get Cristiano Ronaldo? 

We can say with great certainty that, just like you sometimes need pure luck when you’re gambling at an online casino, Manchester United undoubtedly had some luck to get Cristiano Ronaldo as their player. The funny thing about luck is that you can’t predict when you’ll be in it.

There are situations when, e.g., a person walks into a casino for the first time and walks out with twice as much money. On the other hand, there are situations where the most experienced gamblers use all their knowledge and skills to ensure the best possible poker game but still end up losing all of their money. 

But there’s an old saying that goes: “That’s pure luck!” and we can assure you that pure luck sometimes comes in the hands of most inexperienced gamblers when they get jackpots after just a couple of spins. Similarly, we can say that Machester United won the jackpot when getting Cristiano Ronaldo. Now, why do we praise Cristiano Ronaldo so much?

First of all, he scored an impressive number of goals throughout his career (hundreds of them), most of which took place during his membership in Real Madrid. Ronaldo showed a remarkable skill set, longevity, and consistency when he played for Manchester United, separating him from other football players who resigned at a certain age. Ronaldo continued to pursue his career as a football player even after surpassing the age limit at which most other players retire. This decision to continue playing football shows how much Ronaldo is devoted to the game and how deeply involved he is in his football career.

While playing for our lucky team, Manchester United witnessed some of Cristiano Ronaldo’s best moments. After you explore them, you will further understand why he’s among the most exquisite football players in the world. 

Ronaldo even scored more goals than Messi, who is Ronaldo’s biggest rival, and surpassed Lionel on the ranking list. You probably now better understand why Manchester United was lucky to have him as their most well-known player. You can visit weallfollowunited.com for more information and interesting stories on Man UTD.

When it comes to playing online casinos, luck also has its fair share of being responsible for the outcomes gamblers will face. In some cases, you can be an expert and know all the rules to, e.g., poker, but still end up losing all your money.

In other cases, you may be a complete rookie and come out of the casino with enormous prizes. That’s why we say that sometimes, it all depends on luck, and we can’t ever predict when we will have more of it, not when we will completely lack it.

Closing remarks

Indeed, luck is something we can’t predict, foresee, and feel coming. Pure luck simply goes your way, or it doesn’t. Even though we can’t quite answer the question of what makes one football club be in more luck than the other, we can say Man. UTD was created under a “lucky star” to get a player like Cristiano Ronaldo.