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Play Kagawa? 3 Things Manchester United Should Do To Beat Everton

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Manchester United are currently preparing for their midweek fixture against Everton tonight in a fixture that will see David Moyes going up against his former club. So, ahead of the crucial clash I thought that I would go through a few options as to how the Red Devils should deal with the Toffees to gain the three points.

The main threat from this evening’s visitors is of course Romelu Lukaku – who has scored eight goals in nine Premier League games so far. To retain the powerful striker, I think there needs to be an extra body in the holding role. Sticking Marouane Fellaini and Tom Cleverley in front of the backline could give the centre-back pairing some much needed cover.

Second of all, I would deploy Shinji Kagawa. Everton’s backline are all about strength and bustling strikers out of possession, so the skilful presence of Kagawa could open them up. The Japan international has all the tricks, flicks and inventiveness that Roberto Martinez’s men have already succumb to on occasions this season.

I also think that United need to exploit the central areas. The Red Devils have created the majority of their chances through the middle of the pitch and need to stick to their strengths.

In conclusion, to have the best chance of beating Everton I would say that United have to pack the midfield, play Kagawa and play through the middle.