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The Kids Impress For United In Galatasaray Defeat

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Welcome to Hell! Well not this time.

Manchester United Reserves acquitted themselves well in a hostile environment against a Galatasaray team for which it mattered. And boy didn’t our boys did well.

A team including Michael Carrick and the returning Phil Jones at the back, Alexander Buttner on the left, Anderson and Nick Powell in midfield and Tom Cleverley behind Danny Welbeck. A team of promise, a team of youth, and they handled it very well indeed.

Yes we lost, but in the process we learned a lot. We learned how good Jones is and that we missed him, we learned how promising Powell is, we saw Welbeck’s pace and power and we found out that Anderson and Cleverley can play together.

I was heartened and reassured by the standard of play and the determination of this team.

One great thing about our club is that youth gets its chance and in this side we can see that there is a team behind the first team that is going to be very good.

This season’s Champions League has been good for us. 4 average performances and one good one, we lost the good one.

So my short but sweet conclusion to this Thanksgiving Turkey is that it was indeed a Turkish Delight, sweet and full of Eastern promise.

Well done boys, I am proud of you.

By Steve Burrows CBE @ifollowsteve