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Anyone Thinking Pearce’s Team GB Are Great Are Mugs

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I love the fact football fans have such short memories.

This fact was brought home to me by our very own Adam Dennehey who responded to my critical assessment of Stuart Pearce’s Team England and token Wales, aka GB, by suggesting that their win over that global football powerhouse, Uruguay, now sets them alongside the greats.


How quickly he forgets the stumbling win over that oil rich UAE powerhouse and the limp performance against Brazil pre-Olympics.

Surely anyone who gets excited by a tournament composed of restricted age players who didn’t want to go to the beach, playing drop in games against half hearted opponents is in dire need of the new season. I admit it, I went to the New York Mets vs the San Fransico Giants last night as I’m so devoid of sport that I watched live baseball and you know what, it’s better than Gymnastics, handball, weightlifting, men on bikes and Olympic soccer!

I’m sure many blog readers will quickly name their best ever shot putter, or their all time equestrian team or where they were when Glover won the rowing Gold but you know what? I don’t care.

Danny Sturridge is still a man who can shoot and can’t pass, who is worse than Fernando Torres. Craig Bellamy is a failed player with more clubs than Tiger Woods. Ryan Giggs is getting a run out to allow him access to the women in the beach volley ball and Tom Cleverley is still competent and can’t score a goal. Nobody cares.

This is a tournament dreamed up for TV money alone. The whole idea that the best in amateur sport is sullied by millionaire professionals getting a run out in the off season is a total exploitation of the punters.

The Olympic greats like Daley Thompson, Seb Coe, Steve Redgrave should shudder in their shoes watching LeBron James, Andy Murray and Ryan Giggs take away their greatest event.

So guess what Adam, I’m not wrong , you are! This is pointless, meaningless and devaluation of a great event.

Team GB are poor and I don’t care!

Oh and don’t even start me on bid fixing, backhanders and the IOC.

Don’t be a mug, turn it off and go watch cricket in the local village.

By Steve Burrows CBE @ifollowsteve

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5 thoughts on “Anyone Thinking Pearce’s Team GB Are Great Are Mugs”

  1. I don't think there great, they didn't play the best football against Brazil but a team that had never played together… what did you expect? Miracles? Grow up. At least there passing the ball and moving unlike England in the Euros.

  2. You think baseball is better than the Olympics? That pretty much demonstrates your knowledge of sport. The fact you'd suggest that the professional athletes that have decided to play in the Olympics rather than sit on a beach are just there for the fanfare is ridiculous. Ryan Giggs is not there for 'the women' as you so cynically infer, he's never been able to play in a major international tournament and this opportunity gives him the chance.

  3. football is taken seriously at the Olympics by many nations and every 4 years they are a great watch. very few athletes at amateur anymore and the u23 (plus 3 over aged players ) gives it a unique format.

    now GB arent world beaters and if we beat Korea we will probably get well beaten by Brazil but we are playing above expectation and a win over Uruguay was a brilliant result.

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