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Will Nani Be A Victim Of Glazernomics?

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Speculation regarding the future of Manchester United winger Nani has gathered momentum over the last few weeks, with some tabloids suggesting that Sir Alex Ferguson is prepared to consider any serious offers made for the Portuguese play maker.

It is nearly exactly five years ago since Nani made the switch to Manchester from Sporting Lisborn for a £17million pound transfer fee. Since that move Nani has grown in stature and has become an integral and important player for the reds, showing consistent signs in his development and improvement in his play over the years.

So it comes as no surprise to me that the story about United considering selling one of their star assets has been publicised, it would be a move that would make total Glazernomic sense when you think about it.

United, due to their American owners, quite literally do not have a pot to urinate in when it comes to trying to flex their financial muscle when competing in the transfer market, due to the crippling interest payments they must keep up to date with, something that the Glazers have saddled the club with.

Its no secret that United are currently crying out for a creative central midfield player, but the calibre of the player they require will not come cheap. United do not have time on their side, teams around them are getting stronger and the noisy neighbours will also look at adding strong additions to their ranks, so Sir Alex does not have time to sign up and try out another Eric Djemba-Djemba or Kleberson.

There are a few names being thrown about that fit the shoe’s United are looking to fill, Tottenham’s Luka Modric is a serious and realistic target but he would cost somewhere close to £30million, does anybody actually believe United have that kind of money lying about? If it was available, the Glazers would have probably paid off a small piece of the clubs debt with it.

United would have to sell before competing for the signature of a top class midfield player, and behind Wayne Rooney who without doubt is the clubs biggest asset financially, is the Portuguese winger Nani who’s contract clock is also ticking away with no sign of an improved deal being offered.

The Manchester club would probably be realistically be looking at recouping a fee of around £25million for Nani, a fee that would then enable then to compete for the quality creative midfield player they have been craving since the 2011 Champions League final against Barcelona at Wembley highlighted their weakness in that area.

Although personally I would not want to see a player leave who I believe has not fulfilled his full potential at Old Trafford, United have Ashley Young as a replacement, he is a natural left sided player depending on whether he can step up and become a consistent threat, The legend that is Ryan Giggs will also be available to fill in on that side, so Nani would not leave the reds short on that side.

I said a few weeks before the end of the season I feared Nani could be a victim of United’s financial problem’s and its still something I can see happening this summer, will Nani become a victim of Glazernomics? 

Expect the rumours to resurface shortly when Portugal are packing their Euro 2012 suitcases and Nani is reporting back to Manchester.

By Kevin Ashford @KevinAshford7