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Imagine If Sir Alex Became England Manager?

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This won’t happen. However imagine if it did. Picture this Sir Alex Ferguson being appointed England manager for the European Championships in Poland and Ukraine.

There’s no chance of it happening of course. Sir Alex has made it clear on numerous occasions that he wouldn’t take the job because he’s Scottish and why would he want the job when he’s in charge of Manchester United.

However look around. How many managers are there better than Sir Alex at the moment who the FA could realistically approach for the job? The answer is one and that’s Guus Hiddink, who would certainly be interested in the job.

But imagine this. Imagine if the FA approached Sir Alex on a part-time basis to manage England at the Euros. Not only that, imagine if Sir Alex accepted it and led England to victory at the Euros sweeping aside the likes of France, Germany, Italy and Spain en route to glory.

Imagine what a moment that would be if Sir Alex arguably the greatest manager of his generation somehow led England, who in all sense and purposes have been a team of individuals to glory in the space of a couple of months.

Just imagine what a moment it would be for Sir Alex to do that and at the same time stick two fingers up to his critics and opposition fans who have only said that he’s had a successful career because he’s had it easy at United due to the trillions that he’s had to spend on players.

In this scenario of course Sir Alex would still be in charge of United and would only be managing England for the Euros, so United’s fixtures for the 2012/13 season would in effect be a form of a ‘victory parade’ around the country with Sir Alex being treated as the messiah of English football..

…before obviously leading United to another title and European Cup success, after all that’s what really matters at the end of the day and keeps the great man’s passion for the job. Imagine then the response of England fans unhappy that Sir Alex wouldn’t want to stay around as England manager, seemingly begging down on their knees. Now that would be something.

By Adam Dennehey @ADennehey87