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Who Would Be In Your All-Time Bitchy XI?

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One of the criticisms of modern-day footballers has been that they have too much ‘power’ in the dressing-room thesedays and that at times they can be gobby, self-minded and money-driven individuals.

Since Carlos Tevez revealed that he wanted to leave Manchester City in the summer, there’s no denying the fact that he has been the most talked-about player in the Premier League and possibly football overall with his reputation as a professional coming under intense scrutiny surrounding the circumstances behind his ‘impending’ (it’s been going on for months) departure from Eastlands.

@TacheyDelBosque (a chap following on Twitter) perhaps had been thinking about Tevez too much and came up with a #BitchyXI team full of players who (without going to the depths that the Argentine has recently) have all been known to have a ‘moan’ (both on and off the pitch) so to speak.

Here was his line-up:

                                 Jens Lehmann,

      Jamie Carragher, John Terry,  William Gallas, Ashley Cole, 

             Samir Nasri, Joey Barton, Charles N’Zogbia,

          Nicklas Bentdner, Fernando Torres, Mario Balotelli

Now that’s by no means a bad team, but I thought it could be bettered and came up with this line-up in response to his #BitchyXI, which featured only three players who had played in the Premier League last season.

See what you think of this team:

                              Bruce Grobbelaar,

Gary Neville, Martin Keown, Neill Ruddock, Graeme Le Saux,

Robbie Savage, Lee Bowyer, Dennis Wise, El-Hadji Diouf,

                Paulo Di Canio, Fabrizzio Ravanelli

In response to both my line-up and @TacheyDelBosque’s, our very own contributor @KevinAshford7 came up with a #BitchyXI of his own.

Here was his line-up:

                         Jens Lehmann,

Lauren, Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, Ashley Cole,

Cristiano Ronaldo, Robbie Savage, Joey Barton, Nani,

                   Craig Bellamy, Thierry Henry

Again as you’re see there, that wasn’t a bad team either. But after concluding that either Arsene Wenger or Jose Mourinho would be best fit to manage the team, it hit us, we had left out the one player who at the moment will sadly (for him) be getting the reputation as one of the biggest bitches in world football at the moment?

Who could this play possibly be? Yep that’s right, we’d only gone and left out Tevez.

After realising it, @TacheyDelBosque quickly reassured us that we hadn’t made an error, tweeting the following reponse (which really is the perfect way to end this article on) as to why we’d left out the former Manchester United and West Ham forward:

“He refused to play for my side”

By Adam Dennehey @ADennehey87