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Cleverley Injury Not As Bad As First Feared

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Tom Cleverley suffered ligament damage in his left foot, but no break, following a tackle by Kevin Davies during Manchester United’s 5-0 win at Bolton Wanderers, according to a statement released on the club’s official website last night. 

It was feared that the talented England Under-21 midfielder who has in the past month won call-ups into Fabio Capello’s senior side, would be out for the season (or at least 2-3 months) after hobbling of yesterday. Thankfully though Tom only suffered ligament damage and is expected to be out for four weeks which will be a relief to everyone inside Old Trafford.

The injury is certainly a blow to Cleverley who has looked in great form for United this season, fully showing his worth to the club and the fans. His form in midfield alongside Anderson has been exceptional and what the two make up for in height, they have made up for in movement and their passing ability which has seen United’s midfield link up brilliantly with the forwards this season.

Hopefully for Tom’s sake, when he makes his return he will be able to get back to the form that he’s shown already this season. It will not be easy for him though as although he’s lost his place (through no fault of his own) if Michael Carrick or Park Ji-Sung are playing well in the centre, then he may have to bide his time on the bench. That’s the harshness of football though.

Given how well Cleverley’s played this season, it would be foolish for anyone to write him off and there’s no doubt he will come back from this little knock a hungrier player. Who knows although no player would want to lose their place, a spell on the sidelines may be good for him and enable him to have a rest and charge his batteries which may come out to be a positive come the winter when the fixtures will be coming thick and fast.

By Adam Dennehey @ADennehey87