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Why Missing Out On Liverpool-Bound Adam Is Not That Big A Deal

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One of the transfer rumours that’s been going on for the last 3-4 months has been what club will be buying Charlie Adam this summer.

Adam arguably Blackpool’s player of the season has been linked with a host of clubs from Liverpool, Aston Villa, Spurs and even (astonishingly for some) Manchester United.

Although it can’t be argued that Adam had a good season for Blackpool, a large majority of United fans have expressed concerns about the media reports linking us with the 26 year-old.

While there’s no doubt Adam was clearly Blackpool’s best player this year, some fans have argued that it’s fairly easy to look ‘special’ in a team battling relegation when there are few good players there anyway.

Naturally those same fans perhaps expected him to do ok in the Premier League last season, so based on that were not surprised to see him often be at the heart of Blackpool’s creativity last season.

Despite that fact which may probably have an element of truth, Adam didn’t have too many bad games and particularly in the two games that we played against Blackpool, did not let himself down against our midfield.

In our game at Bloomfield Road, for the first half of the game which saw us trailing 2-0, Adam (along with his fellow team mates) ran themselves into the ground as we couldn’t for some reason keep up with them. Of course it was a different story in the second half as we won 3-2 after an inspired comeback.

In the game at Old Trafford, Adam of course scored a brilliant free-kick to get the Tangerines level before half-time. Sadly for Ian Holloway’s side of course despite taking the lead after half-time, we scored three unanswered goals to win 4-2 sealing the Tangerines’ relegation back to the Championship.

There’s no doubting that Adam deserves another crack at life in England’s top-flight but it would be fair to say that if we have the chance of signing a Wesley Sneijder, Luka Modric or Samir Nasri that they would all be better long-term players for us.

That’s not a dig at Adam’s talent but they are all better players than him who have experience playing in top competitions across Europe. It looks as though he will be signing for Liverpool sooner rather than later, as the two clubs have apparently been talking about a deal for the last fortnight or so.

It shall be interesting to see if he does move to Anfield how he gets on there and how he’ll adapt to playing for a big club under real pressure every week as that’s a whole different mentality for a player to deal with.

As for us, it shall be exciting to see if we bring in a central midfielder or not. The majority of United fans (as well as me) seem to want Sir Alex Ferguson to sign Sneijder to be our creative ‘force’ in midfield.

Whether the Dutchman signs for us or not, it is an area of our team which does need improving and either Modric or Nasri would be good alternatives for us if a deal cannot be reached with Inter Milan.

By Adam Dennehey – @ADennehey87